Akdeniz Üniversitesi

The Presentation by Akdeniz University Rector Prof. Dr. İsrafil KURTCEPHE

Dear Friends and Dear Students,

Akdeniz University, which is enjoying a period of maturity nowadays, has been on a continuous voyage towards enthusiastically achieving its objectives. In following our present path, the first job that we are required to do is to renew our academic programs. We believe that renewal is the basic requirement of change and progress. In the competitive world of science, the philosophy of Akdeniz University is a sincere belief that our country and nation can only be served through progress. In order to achieve our target, on the one hand we are driving forward the work of renewal, while on the other hand we have been searching for faculty members both from home and abroad who are suitably qualified, and who can raise our academic and scientific studies to the highest level in order to make the content more inclusive. continue


Page Summary: The Presentation of Akdeniz University Rector Prof. Dr. İsrafil Kurtcephe
