Akdeniz Üniversitesi

Our Mission

The dosyaPrimary goal of our university is to create a higher education establishment within which the country's need for qualified people can be met through the provision of vocational schools, bachelor and master degrees, and medical and academic doctorate programs. In addition, Akdeniz University is committed to establishing a research environment in which basic and practical science projects will be encouraged, carried through with regard for both the local and global dimension, and the results made available to the world-wide scientific community.

dosyaAkdeniz University aims to inspire its students to be cosmopolitan, peaceful and democratic in outlook, while upholding national, cultural and global values. Their talent for solving problems will be cultivated and put at the service of a vision for the future. Akdeniz University acknowledges that the purpose of higher education is to provide much more than just the expertise necessary to carry on a profession. We are aware that we are living in an ever-changing world, where the speed with which information moves and changes leads us to an inescapable truth: Continual education is as important as higher education.

dosyaOur University has also undertaken to organise certificate programs which contribute to the education, economy and culture of the region. Akdeniz endorses the search for, and development of ideas and knowledge which can help solve any problem, whether universal or national, environmental, social or political. To realise this ambition, every member of our university gives the highest priority to respect for the individual, the environment, nature, human rights, democratic principles and social harmony.

Akdeniz University is aware that it has a responsibility to society and the nation in these matters. We regard the application of scientific ideals as the bedrock of our of our ethical principles, and we are committed to resisting any pressure to compromise on our beliefs, or to avoid living up to our responsibilities.

Page Summary: Our Mission
